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CherryFramework 3 Troubleshooter. How to deal with doubled menu

Ammy Brown September 26, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This tutorial is going to show you how to deal with the doubled menus on mobile devices in CherryFramework 3.x templates.

You might have noticed that your menu has duplicated menu items on mobile devices:


This issue can be fixed easily. Required steps are as follows:

  1. Please, connect to your server using FTP or hosting cPanel.

  2. Edit the wp-content/themes/theme#####/js/my_script.js or theme#####/includes/custom-js.php depending on the template you use (##### is your theme number).

  3. Locate the following lines:

      var $this = $(this),
      txt = $this.text();
      '+ txt +'
      '+ txt +'
  4. Remove or comment out lines above. Save file and upload it back to your server.

You can refresh your site now. Menu titles are not duplicated anymore:


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Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

CherryFramework 3 Troubleshooter. How to deal with doubled menu

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